Monitoring 2018-06-20T15:44:22+00:00



Having a high tech security alarm or fire detection is the first step to protecting your business.  Let us make sure you’re protected even when everyone has gone home for the day.   Our fully staffed monitoring center is available 365 days a year, 7 days a week capable of monitoring your burglar and fire systems for abnormalities or service interruptions. In the event we pick up an alarm we will contact you and the appropriate authorities if necessary.    Along with monitoring for intrusion and system interruptions are can also provide:

  • Supervised open/close
  • Communicator tests
  • Environmental monitoring: temperature, power, water and gas level alerts

We know that life safety is the basis for fire monitoring. We offer complete fire protection services for your customers.

Commercial Fire Monitoring offers dispatch upon receipt of a fire alarm signal and customizable notification on troubles, supervisories and missed timer tests. Signals are received on our dedicated UL receivers, meeting UL standards for alarm signal traffic management. We strictly follow NFPA 72 Guidelines for fire accounts ensuring best practices are followed. Specially trained UL certified operators and dealer support representatives handle UL Fire accounts and comply with the local AHJ. Call us to talk about UL Certificates.

Using UTC Mastermind, fire signals are assigned to operators with specific fire training to respond to commercial fire/NFPA fire signals. Only operators who have passed our training for UL Fire respond to UL Fire accounts. Fire signals hold the highest priority in our monitoring platform, Mastermind.